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Working on a tabloid, I was once accused of knowing nothing. To be fair, that was about right. I routinely wrote on subjects I knew little about, relying on hope, shouty lolz and Google to get me through.
And now I’m a freelance writer, not much has changed. I’m still busking it - only these days I also worry I’ve got nothing to say. The temptation on both fronts is to panic. Sack off the words dream to work in Starbucks.
But then it hit me: what if I could turn all that nothing into something? What if I could coast unashamedly on my ignorance and lazily rejoice in waffling about jack shit? The result, ladies and gents, is this blog.
You will learn almost nothing, but as the pity tears course gently down your cheek, you will hopefully realise you’re *way* smarter than you thought in the first place.
My name is Bella Battle. And I know Diddly Squat.